Crowchild Trail Upgrades Project – Update
The Crowchild Trail Upgrades Project continues on this year with the estimated date of completion being Fall 2019. Given that a good majority of the construction work will take place this year, I’d like to provide you with an overview of how I expect this year to unfold:
Project webpage:
The website for this project continues to be updated bi-weekly with the most up-to-date and relevant construction information.
Ongoing updates:
In addition to the website, we have also been sending out progress reports and construction updates via e-newsletter; If you would like to subscribe to these, please click here. Currently we have 450 subscribers.
Noise wall engagement:
Noise wall engagement will begin in March and be completed by the third week of April. We will begin by first contacting the directly-impacted homeowners, and then complete this process by giving all neighbouring communities the opportunity to weigh in at the following public engagement session:
What? Public Noise Wall Engagement Session
Drop-in Session
When? Tuesday, March 20, 2018
6:30 – 8:30 pm (Doors open at 6:30 pm)
Where? Alexander Ferguson School
School Gymnasium
1704 26 Street S.W.
Please Note: If community members are unable to attend the public engagement session in-person, they will also have the ability to provide feedback online from March 20 – April 10.
2018 information session:
Similar to last year, we will be providing neighbouring communities with the opportunity to review the 2018 Crowchild Trail detailed construction plans and ask questions of the project team at the following information session:
What? Crowchild Trail Upgrades Project: 2018 Information Session
When? Wednesday, May 9, 2018
6:30 – 8:30 pm (Doors open at 6:30 pm)
Where? Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Association
South Social Hall
1320 5 Avenue N.W.
Night-time work:
In order to mitigate major traffic impacts by restricting lane closures to weekends, and weekdays between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., there will be a significant amount of night work taking place this year. We will be monitoring noise levels and working closely with the impacted communities to ensure that not only are they kept in the loop on the work taking place near their homes, but also, that the work we are doing and the associated noise levels are tolerable.
Coordinating projects:
Our Water Resources colleagues and Major Transit Projects colleagues will also be doing some work in the Crowchild Trail project area over the next two years and we are working closely together to ensure that our efforts are coordinated and that impacts to your communities are minimized as much as possible.
Media coverage:
Similar to last year, we will be working with the media to ensure your community members are well aware that this project is continuing on for the next couple of years, and what they can expect in terms of impacts.
Board meetings and/or AGM:
If there is an opportunity for myself and a couple of members of our project team to attend upcoming community association board meetings or your Annual General Meeting (AGM), please let me know. I will try my best to answer your questions, whether this be in-person, over the phone, or via email.
Construction continues and will begin to ramp up in late March/early April; I will continue to keep you, impacted businesses, and impacted property owners updated on progress and construction milestones as our work unfolds.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Senior Transportation Engineer, Crowchild Trail Upgrades