Technology Club
Technology Club
Technology Club Registration
Current Plan: 5 sessions for Basic Python, each session will have 2-3 sections, each section includes 20 minutes presentation in classroom followed by 15 minutes exercise. Each session is two hours.
For the last session, we will arrange a small project and pizza party. Future courses include Advanced Python (numpy data processing and drawing) , data structure, Database programing, Software Designer, Internet-working, network security and more.
When: Friday night 6:30 to 8:30 starting from April 13th.
Where: 1922 – 14 Ave N.W. Hounsfield Heights – Briar Hill Community Boardroom What to Bring: Laptop with Windows 7 and above or Mac OS.
Fee: $40 for 5 sessions ($8 per session) to cover the cost of classroom rental, materials, snacks and drink etc.
Recommended age 14 and up. Please indicate the age of the attendees when you register.
Adults can indicate 18+. We will select candidates and group them appropriately.
RSVP via email to techclubcanada@gmail.com by April 10th, 2018. Thank you Jerald Yuan Technology Club Founder