Presidents Message – September 2018
With summer drawing to a close, I hope you’ve had an opportunity to make some amazing memories with family and friends. First off, let me remind you of a couple of community events:
Sunday, September 16 – Community Clean-up
Location – Louise Riley Library Parking lot and field
Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Volunteer appreciation event immediately following.
Saturday, November 24 – 65th Community Association
Anniversary Celebration
Location – Community Gym
Please send any stories and pictures you may have to
More details to follow watch our website! http://www.hh-bh.ca.
As a community we continue to face issues that impact the well-being of our residents, and as a board we are continuing to bring you information and work to best support the community. Please do attend the board meetings where you can get more information and, of course, watch our HHBH web site at http://www.hh-bh.ca/ for updates.
Sears Plume
I trust that all who are concerned have been watching the Community Association website (http://www.hh-bh.ca/) to stay up to date on the progression of the appeal of the Environmental Order the Alberta Government placed on Sears and Concord Pacific. At present the mediation session is scheduled for September 11th, 2018, in Calgary. We have recently been made aware of a new community member group, the Hounsfield Heights Landowners Group (HHLG), that has begun engagement with the Environmental Appeals Board. The HHLG is made up of 19 anonymous landowners with interests in the plume affected area and is represented by Gavin Fitch of MCLENNAN ROSS LLP. Please continue to monitor the website for the latest information as we post what is sent to us to keep you as up to date as possible.
Louise Riley Library Development
While the City of Calgary has approached the HHBHCA board to begin discussions about the potential redevelopment of the Louise Riley Library, no concrete plans or timelines have been presented to this date. The Board will continue to monitor this to do our best to ensure we are involved in the process. Louise Riley Library Fire Engine/Children’s Program. The board is currently discussing a request by the Louise Library to place a temporary structure on the west side of the current library building. This structure would house a fire engine, currently located at the library Main Branch, and host more children’s programs. We are working with the library to ensure there is minimal impact to the parking and area security if the structure is erected. The timeline and duration for the structure placement is currently under
Community Representation Framework
The City of Calgary will be voting on a new model of community representation in September or October 2018. This new model will have a direct impact on the role of community associations, potentially diminishing our ability to effectively represent our residents. For more information on this initiative, please read the article included in this issue.
Alberta Health Services Development on the ADDAC Property
We are still working with the Alberta Health Services regarding their intent to develop a new facility on the AADAC site (West side of 17A St just north of the Bethany Administration Offices) on two parcels that belong to AHS. The Board has formed a sub-committee under the Strategic Planning Portfolio to engage with the AHS to do our best to ensure the community has a voice in the upcoming efforts.
As always, your attendance is welcomed at the Board meetings, which are held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month from September through June at the HH-BH Community Hall at 1922 – 14 Avenue NW. Attending these meetings is a great way to stay up to date on what is happening and to ensure your ideas and concerns are heard and incorporated into the management of the community association. To include an item on the agenda please contact admin@hh-bh.ca at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
If you are unable to attend in person, please write me at president@hh-bh.ca.
Please watch for the announcement about, and make an effort to attend, the Annual General Meeting of the Hounsfield Heights Briar Hill Community Association. There will be opportunities for you to volunteer for a role on the board. Participation is a great way to not only stay in the know on what is happening in your community but also to help shape outcomes for the community on critical developments.