Tree Education Programs

Tree Education Programs

Calgary Parks is working with citizens to encourage the proper planting and maintenance of Calgary's urban forest. We will be visiting the selected 25 ReTree communities in 2017 to plant trees on public property and provide education programs for community residents to encourage proper care and maintenance of their own private trees. The following 2017 ReTree communities are offering tree education programs. View the programs available in your community. Not all communities offer all programs. Note: Minimum registration for programs is 10 persons. If program is cancelled, we will try to accommodate those affected into other programs in the closest community.

Follow link for more information:



Wanted – Badminton Coach

WANTED: Assistant Badminton Coach

When: Wednesdays 5:30-6:30/7:00 Starting April 5th or later at the Hounsfield Heights- Briar Hill Gym.

Your Responsibilities would include:

-Directing warm up and cool-down for youth 10-17 years old

-Assisting with skill demonstrations

-Providing participants with constructive feedback on technique -Helping with organization of drills and games

-Set up and take down equipment Qualifications:

-Good technical understanding of the fundamentals of badminton

-Experience with working with youth Recommended but not Required:

-Experience coaching badminton or other youth sports

-NCCP training

For more information or to apply contact Theresa at:

Outdoor Soccer Referees Needed

This is a job that pays! A training session is mandatory and provided by the community association. This is a great way for you to be involved in our community. If you have already taken the training, you are not required to attend again. You may retake the training if you would like to refresh your skills. If you are 12 years of age or older and interested in becoming a referee for the 2017 outdoor soccer season with HHBH, please contact Melissa Hagg at or 403-284-2410.

President’s Message March 2017

Hello everyone. March is here and, along with it, more daylight, less snow and warmer days (hopefully). As we head towards spring, we can see an end to the winter hibernation – whether physical or psychological.

Our community association changes with the seasons too and this month your board is getting active on a few projects.

The biggest and most exciting project is the expansion of our facility. Many of you have visited our gym on a regular basis for sports activities but did you notice the little boardroom door on the left as you walked through the entrance? Have you ever actually gone through it? If your answer is no, you are not alone. But we are hoping to change that!

As I mentioned in my January message, after many years of dreaming and saving, we are finally going to build an addition to our building. This expansion will be approximately 3000 square feet and look fairly ordinary on the outside but on the inside, it will be a very versatile space that can be partitioned to suit many purposes such as dance and yoga classes, meetings, receptions, and seniors’ activities.

The success of this project depends on your help. As you know, our community association board is run by volunteers and this project is no exception. We need your help in the form of opinions, ideas and expertise. We have set up a building committee and meet the third Wednesday of every month from 7:00 – 9:00 PM, in our boardroom. Our Vice-President, Carol Sandahl has become our capable and fearless leader so please email her for more information and to be involved: You now have a reason to go through that door!

Our other project is much smaller but important in its own way. On March 18 at 4:00 p.m. (again – in the boardroom) there will be a special meeting of our community membership to help revise our association’s bylaws. This was a well-written document 60-odd years ago but unsurprisingly, some things have changed and other clauses are simply outdated. Our community has grown and evolved and it’s important that the laws by which we govern reflect those changes. The foundation is still sound but some of the details need updating.

This project is not as exciting as a new addition so to reward your participation, there will be a party in that same boardroom (and gym) that evening, from 6:00 – 9:00. Even if you can’t attend the bylaws meeting please come! Bring your family and friends as there will be lots of food and fun activities. It’s a great way to meet those neighbours you’ll begin seeing more of now that winter is coming to an end.

And finally, just a reminder that effective communication is critical to a vibrant and safe community so check out our HHBH website at There you will find upcoming events, announcements, facility information, and loads of other content, as well as links to our Facebook page and Twitter feed.
