Open Gym Schedule – June

Free gymnasium time for community residents. Bring the whole family down for some healthy activity time.  Get active, have fun, and enjoy yourself in our great community gymnasium.

June 2      6:30-8:00

June 9      Cancelled

June 16    Cancelled

June 23    6:30-8:00

June 30    6:30-8:00

McMahon Stadium Motorbike Event – June 11th

An event is scheduled for Sunday, June 11th at McMahon Stadium called Nitro Circus featuring motorbike stunts.

Some items of information:

1. Doors will open at 3:00 p.m. Some preliminary activity will take place between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., with the main show running 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.

2. Inclement weather may delay/postpone the event – June 12 and 13 are being held as backup dates should that happen.

3. Expected attendance is in the 8,000-10,000 range. An average Stampeder crowd is 30,000 and building capacity is 35,400.

4. Re parking, major problems aren't anticipated due to the expected attendance level (considerably less impact than a Stampeder game).

5. With respect to potential noise, the bulk of the sound will likely be absorbed within the stadium bowl, resulting in minimal negative impact in the neighboring communities. The show has been purposely scheduled to wrap up in the early evening just in case there is any disruption.