Help! Our Community Association’s board of directors has several important positions that need to be filled at our AGM on November 15. Our current board members are energetic, committed and work well together. Our meetings are run efficiently and aren’t just work, there is time for socializing after adjournment. Being a board member is an excellent way to get to know your neighbours, our issues and concerns, and to find solutions when needed that help make our community a great place to live. Please consider putting your name forward for one of the following:
Duties: Set monthly board meeting agendas and chair these meetings. Support all other board members, help coordinate and facilitate their projects as needed, provide leadership and vision for the future of our association. Work closely with our Executive Director.
Duties: Take minutes at board meetings. Work closely with our Executive Director who does most of the day to day secretarial duties. Have full board privileges, that is, discuss and vote on all issues at monthly board meetings.
Duties: Manage and supervise our paid book keeper. Set the yearly budget and report on finances at each monthly board meeting. Manage GICs and AGLC Casino bank accounts as well as our general accounts. Work with our auditor at year end.
IT Director
Duties: Supervise and support the running of our website and on-line registration server. Offer suggestions and support for all technical aspects of our association, including mailboxes for board members and playschool executive through our gmail account. Have full board privileges, that is, discuss and vote on all issues at monthly board meetings.
Sears Plume
Duties: Since the take over of the Sears site by Concord Pacific, assess the status of ownership and work being done on the gas plume, and continue monitoring work being conducted by the engineering firm Clifton Associates. Attend monthly board meetings and send reports.
Education Director
Attend both Play School and Community Association monthly board meetings and act as liaison. Full community association board member with voting privileges. This position is important as it facilitates our responsible governance of the community play school.
Facility Co-director
Along with our facility director Gunter Sammet and our Executive Director, help run the physical aspects of our community facility and gym. This primarily concerns maintenance issues but will also include being part of the exciting facility enhancement project which is being led by our vice president. Attend monthly community association meetings and be part of our board.
If you are interested in any of these roles or would like more information, please contact me at president@hh-bh.ca
Laura Hunt