New Workshops – Grace Hospital Land Use Redesignation Project

Update – October 6th, 2017

Please join City of Calgary, the developer and community members at this workshop to consider the Land Use Amendment Application and work together to develop alternatives, taking into account technical and community perspectives.

Participation in the workshop will require a 3 hour commitment. We hope you can join us.

Register for one of two schedules dates.

Note the registration deadlines:

Thursday, Oct 26, 2017 from 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. (the deadline to register for this event is October 23) OR

Saturday, Oct 28, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (the deadline to register for this event is October 25)

About the application This application proposes to change the designation of the Grace Hospital, Sunset Lodge and the Agape Hospice located at 1302, 1340 and 1402 8 Avenue NW, and 1040 14 Street NW from M-CGd72 District, S-CI District, and Direct Control District to Direct Control District to accommodate a mixed use health care campus and multi-residential development.

If approved, the land use redesignation will allow for:

• development of 13,395 square metres of medical offices including 743 square metres of supporting retail;

• up to 800 dwelling units proposed to be affordable and senior's housing;

• the maximum building height within 75 metres of the western property line is proposed to be 30 metres; The maximum building height for other areas on the site is proposed to be 70 metres.

An amendment to the Hillhurst Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan will be required to allow for the proposed redesignation.

President’s Message – October

Hello, neighbours;

The fall season is definitely in full swing now and we are firmly into our new routines. I hope that some of you have added an extra activity by attending one of the many new health and wellness programs that are now offered at our community centre. It’s been exciting for our Community Association to get them organized and offered to you! Please check our website ( for a list of what is offered and if you’ve missed your chance to register for a program this fall, you will have another chance to attend new sessions after Christmas. A big event this month is our city’s municipal election on October 16 (advance polls run October 4 – 11). I hope that you have been able to attend one of the several candidate debates in our Ward so that you can make an informed decision and cast your ballot wisely. Speaking of elections, our Community Association’s AGM is next month, November 15 at 7:00 PM in our community centre board room. Please give us your support, feedback and ideas on how to continue to make our community a special place to live. There will be positions on our board that need to be filled, including President, Secretary, Events and IT directors. As well, the crucial position of Treasurer will be vacant. Our association’s registration as a Society depends on having a treasurer so this role must be filled. Help! Our board members are a talented and committed group of residents and along with our executive director, we are able to accomplish a lot. Please join us! One of our projects has been the improvement of Lions Park. As many of you know, this lovely strip of greenspace that runs along the south side of 14th Ave has fallen on hard times the last few years due to transients, drug users and their dealers. In an effort to make this area less hospitable for them, several park benches and tables have been removed at the request of residents and our community police constable. Unfortunately, this has caused some inconvenience for legitimate park patrons but along with plans to trim some of the bushes and improve the lighting on the pathway, we hope that criminal activity will decline and we will eventually be able to rebuild the playground area and once again enjoy all of the park. I am grateful to the Calgary Police Service and the City of Calgary Parks department for their input and help. I hope you are enjoying the fall and that you have a very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving. We live in a wonderful community and have so much to be thankful for.


Grace Hospital Redevelopment Workshops Postponed

The city has released a What We Heard Report based on the previous open houses:


 POSTPONED – Grace Hospital Land Use Redesignation: Workshop (Registration Required)
Saturday, September 23, 2017, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

 POSTPONED – Grace Hospital Land Use Redesignation: Workshop (Registration Required)
Monday, September 25, 2017, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.

All relevant information can be found on the main city Engage page for the project: