McMahon Stadium Motorbike Event – June 11th

An event is scheduled for Sunday, June 11th at McMahon Stadium called Nitro Circus featuring motorbike stunts.

Some items of information:

1. Doors will open at 3:00 p.m. Some preliminary activity will take place between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., with the main show running 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.

2. Inclement weather may delay/postpone the event – June 12 and 13 are being held as backup dates should that happen.

3. Expected attendance is in the 8,000-10,000 range. An average Stampeder crowd is 30,000 and building capacity is 35,400.

4. Re parking, major problems aren't anticipated due to the expected attendance level (considerably less impact than a Stampeder game).

5. With respect to potential noise, the bulk of the sound will likely be absorbed within the stadium bowl, resulting in minimal negative impact in the neighboring communities. The show has been purposely scheduled to wrap up in the early evening just in case there is any disruption.

HHBH: Important City of Calgary Workshops: North Hill Redevelopment

The Hounsfield Heights – Briar Hill Community Association strongly encourages all residents to attend *BOTH* workshops being conducted by the City of Calgary in that they represent our first and probably best opportunity to shape the future of redevelopment within our community!

Workshop #1
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2017
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Location: HHBH Community Association Gymnasium
Format: Interactive, Sit Down Presentation & Drop In
Description: "If you have lots to share, stay for the full workshop and discuss your thoughts with City planners and other residents. If you have limited time, feel free to drop in to share your ideas on an 'express lane' community map."

The first workshop is *very* important in that the data collected at it will be used to develop the rules governing future redevelopment around North Hill.

Workshop #2
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Time: 5pm to 8pm
Location: HHBH Community Association Board Room
Format: Drop In
Description: "Drop in and provide feedback at various stations with topics inspired by past workshop mapping exercises or online input."

The second workshop is *DIFFERENT THAN THE FIRST ONE* and is important in that solicits feedback on the data collected at the first.

These are the *ONLY* dates on which the workshops will be held.  Residents who are unable to attend are strongly encouraged to participate in the Online Engagement that the City is also conducting for each workshop.  The online engagement for the first workshop is open *NOW* and will remain open until May 14, 2017.  It can be completed at the City's website for this project:

If our community wishes to influence future development around North Hill, it is *IMPERATIVE* that we speak up *NOW* at these workshops!

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact me directly.

\|/ Jeff Marsh \|/
Director, Strategic Planning
HHBH Community Association

Motel Village Re-Development Meeting

A Motel Village (Banff Trail and16th Avenue NW) re-development proposal is currently under consideration.

The proposal includes four floors of commercial development – one floor of restaurants, three medical floors, and a 30-storey residential tower designed for students. The developer is proposing 28 parking spots for students in the residential tower, 28 for visitors, 4 for offices, 91 for medical, and 64 for the restaurants. It is our understanding that the applications for rezoning and a development permit were filed in the fall, but the HH-BH community association was only advised of this on April 3. There is a very short timeline to respond.

A meeting is being held at the HH-BH Community Centre on Wednesday, April 26 at 7:00 PM to discuss these applications, and how people in the community can effectively respond at this late date.